UK / Europe (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) / USA
The International Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan Friendship Association meeting and competition was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. It started with registration on the 8th September and finished with a Farewell Meal on the 11th September.
Grandmaster Han Jin Yuan was planning the September trip to Jakarta when he sadly passed away in June. He left his wish to attend with Nigel and Richard. His final wish to them was to keep the club going, and show our presence at these events.
The Team representing Grandmaster Han (Left to Right)...
Paul Buckley (Thailand), Tracy Gilham (UK), Nigel Gilham (UK) Team Leader, Martin Nsubuga (Norway) and Peter Dillon (Eire)
8th Sept – Registration and room allocation.
9th Sept – Sightseeing tour. Team Leader meeting. Welcome Gala dinner and Opening Ceremony. Plenty of demonstrations.
10th Sept – All day Competition.
11th Sept – SWA School Demonstration, Farewell Dinner.
12th Sept – Leave for home or onward journey.
Day 1: 7th Sept:
Nigel, Tracy, Peter and Paul arrived on the afternoon of the 7th. We went for a coffee and a chat to help bring our team together.
Day 2: 8th Sept:
We met in the reception for breakfast and started to meet and mingle with the teams from other countries. It was good to see so many friends. Those that had arrived were treated to lunch and a visit to a local shopping centre. Following the shopping we visited an Indonesian restaurant for the evening meal. Martin arrived late in the evening with his luggage (stuck in Singapore). Luckily he had his team uniform to wear which was brought from England by Nigel and Tracy.
Day 3: 9th Sept:
We had an early breakfast...
...before another tour to Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) a very nice tourist destination. This was followed by a short trip to lunch.
In the afternoon Nigel and Tracy had to be present at the 'Technical Meeting' whilst the other members of our team had some free time to train. Sadly, the majority of the meeting was in Chinese so we had to rely on translators for help.
We managed to sneak a quick practice session in the hall the would be used for the competition.
In the evening we were treated to the Welcoming Gala Dinner where everyone was expected to perform demonstrations as well as listen to the speeches that were part of the ceremony for handing over the Chairmanship of the Association. The evening went on for quite a while what with the demonstrations and subsequent photo taking sessions.
Day 4: 10th Sept:
After a early breakfast, we all proceeded from the reception area to the meeting rooms where the competition was being held. All the members of our team were entered into the competition so we checked the running order in the programs provided. There were a few errors that were quickly sorted out by the organisers.
Tracy was the first to compete with her hand form in the female category D. Next it would be Peter, Paul and Martin, hand forms all in the same male category D. Nigels hand form next in category E and finally Tracy in the short weapons category (broadsword).
Results (Left to Right):
Paul............Bronze, Martin.........Silver, Nigel...........Gold, Tracy..........2 Golds, Peter..........Gold
After the competition we were all ferried to Pondok Laguna restaurant to sample Indonesian food. Then back to the hotel for a well earned rest!!!!!!!
A very satisfying day!!!
Day 5: 11th Sept:
Following breakfast we were taken to the Sinarmas World Academy where we were guests at an open day to publicise the school.
This meant that all of the countries will be performing on stage. We were treated to some very exciting performance from the children at the school. They were very talented. The school provided a very nice meal for all of the participants which was followed by organised group photos and individual photos of the day.
On the way back to the hotel, we visited another shopping mall.
This evening was the Farewell Dinner at a Central Restaurant. This started in the form of a buffet with a stage at one end of the room. We could see that certain performances were going to be expected. As it turned out, Karaoke was the main topic!!!!!!!
Grandmaster Hans Team did him proud with their enthusiasm and made many friends in the process.
We all headed back to the hotel for a 'night cap' at a local food stall. We continued in a party mood for several more hours before getting some rest.
Day 6: 12th Sept:
Many people had to leave this morning so there were a lot of good byes and promises to meet in China at next years meeting. Our team divided up with Nigel and Tracy leaving first. Paul had a meeting before flying back to Bangkok. Martin left for the airport in the afternoon and Peter continued his holiday in KL and Bali.
We would like to thank Joshua, Hendri and Eileen (Indonesia) for all their efforts in organising the event and keeping it running smoothly.
Thank you to Shi Chan Ding, Zhang Xiao Feng (China), Mr Alan Soo, Mr Erland Kok (Malaysia) and the Malaysian Team for your support.
To all of the teams and participants from around the world, thank you for making this event special and we look forward to meeting you all again soon.
Nigel Gilham (Team Leader)
This was to be my first time as a Team Leader to one of these events without my Master, Grandmaster Han. He had always been passionate about instilling a good team spirit and unity on all of the previous trips. I was very keen to do the same. I was not disappointed!!! Once we were all together, there was no doubt that we were there to represent our Master in the best ways possible. We made many friends and put ourselves forward in the spirit of friendship throughout the meeting. Everyone on the Team performed very well in both the competition and numerous demonstrations. We were all considerate to each other and supported individuals fully when they were performing alone. I am very proud of the Team and our time in Jakarta. My wish is for the future to be as co-operative and unified for Grandmaster Hans club...
Tracy Gilham (Assistant Team Leader)
With this trip being the first one without Grandmaster Han present, it felt strange not having him with us in person but he did request that we should 'keep it going'.
The team representing Wuzuquan UK / Europe / USA Grandmaster Han, was a smaller team than usual but we still made a BIG impression on the rest of the countries present. They will not forget our team spirit and being able to get on with other people (even though there was a language barrier). Most of all, we bonded well as a positive team to help remember Grandmaster Han. I look forward to continuing in China next year with a bigger team.
Peter Dillon (Ireland)
It’s amazing how a few days filled with life, endeavour and friendship can reignite, reinvigorate and re-excite the journey.
Two short weeks ago I met up with the Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan Team, under the banner of Grandmaster Han, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Martin I knew well from many years ago, but had not seen in almost as many years. Nigel and Tracy I had met briefly before, and Paul I had never met.
And now I find myself sitting in Bali, the 2023 International Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan Conference and Competition over, the others returned to the world, missing, really missing this Team, these people, these friends.
This only happens when everyone shows up with everything they are, no agenda, no ego, happily slotting in with each other, relaxed but staying sharp, enjoying the adventure but focused on the task at hand.
That was us. That was the team. I think that would have made Kim happy. Not the fist full of medals we took away, but simply the way we represented ourselves and, by definition, him.
So, a special thank you to Nigel and Tracy from the Irish, sorry, UK delegation, who weathered all the organisational storms on our behalf, and flew Grandmaster Han’s banner high enough to comfortably include Martin (Norway), Paul (Thailand) and myself (Ireland).
Quanzhou here we come...!
Paul Buckley (Thailand)
This was my first time joining the international Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan Association gathering and I went with the perspective that it would all be a learning experience – largely to avoid getting apprehensive towards the competition. I am a novice in the community that convened in Jakarta, among masters and experts who have dedicated their lives to this art, with the skills to show it. It turned out to be an incredible opportunity to meet and spend time with others who share a similar passion and have spent so many more years practicing and refining their skill. I was most impressed with the welcome that the International Wuzuquan Community showed, how warm and engaging everyone was, and the friendly support and advice they offered. It was an unforgettable trip, one I have worked towards for many years in ways, yet felt quite unprepared for. I came away with more learnings than I could have expected, from the competition and beyond to reflect on, and put into my practice over the coming months and until the next opportunity to get together in China.
One recollection, the UK team sat at the table with the Abbot of the Southern Shaolin temple at the opening dinner. That is a rare experience. I probably shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was with how down-to-earth and engaging he and his senior team were, but that sticks with me. The selfie of the UK team with the abbot in the hotel lift stands as evidence.
A big thanks to Nigel and Tracy for making this happen, leading our team and for teaching me pretty much everything I know about Wuzuquan to get there in the first place. And to Peter and Martin who made up a great team, new friends and teachers I can also learn from – a sincere thanks for the laughs, the camaraderie, and generosity in sharing your skills and experiences.
Martin Nsubuga (Norway)
When our teacher GM Kim Han passed away in June this year it made me reflect deeply on the amazing opportunities that had been presented to me through his teachings as well as the personal guidance I received from him through life´s challenging moments. Yet somehow, I felt I had not made the most of those opportunities, especially after I had moved away from the UK to settle in Norway… Thus, when the opportunity to represent him in Jakarta at the 2023 Southern Shaolin Five Ancestors Boxing competition presented itself, I felt a strong call, maybe even a duty to take on this challenge and opportunity. I am so thankful that I did, as the experience turned out to be uplifting beyond all my expectations.
I will avoid recounting events in detail but rather focus on highlighting a few things that made the biggest impression on me.
1. It was obvious to me how extensive and intricate the preparations were that had been put in place to welcome and safeguard all the delegates that attended the competition and demonstrations. My deep thanks and congratulations go the Indonesian association and the organizing committee that put in so much work before and throughout the whole event. I know many of them worked late into the night every night to secure everything went as smoothly as possible.
2. There was an openness and friendliness throughout the gathering that transcended language barriers. Breakfast was an opportunity to greet and take photos with the most senior Masters in the art. They were always smiling, down to earth, and with welcoming eyes. Had the language barriers not been there, I have no doubts the mingling would have been even more intense.
3. I think Kim would have been proud of our team. We got on well with each other and I felt we looked after each other throughout. The days started with a specially ordered coffee courtesy of Paul Buckley and ended with a late-night drink outdoors in the warmth courtesy of Tracy. Tracy also sacrificed herself to the mosquitoes thus saving the rest of us from bites. Thank you, Tracy. Nigel led the team and engaged in international relations both day and night. It is wonderful to see him welcomed into the highest ranks of the international organization. Peter and I got a chance to catch up with each other after many years apart. We both practiced Shaolin at the same club in Dublin and he was one of my instructors. It is amazing to still see that unchanged mischievous bright spark in his eyes, feel his positivity and his intense enjoyment of life. I got to learn more about the internal principles at the core of our art from him again and he gave me some more concepts to work on. It was also wonderful to learn that he was awarded a 7th Dan grading during the competition.
4. I experienced an energy and vitality that I had never experienced before following our last of celebrations with the delegates and the Shaolin monks. All we had had was great food, tea and a fun time singing karaoke and exchanging good vibes, yet I was so energized that I could hardly sleep that night. It was like being high on pure energy. I cannot explain it, but something deep and positive was exchanged amongst us during the whole event and particularly that evening. Whatever it was, it left me energized and inspired right up to today, nearly two weeks after the meeting. I can only say that I am even more inspired to teach Five Ancestors Shaolin in Norway and I am already looking forward to building on this experience at the next international meeting in 2024.